2015년 8월 11일 화요일

No More Microinjection, VisuFect® 100 Gene Delivery Reagent

비싸고 어려운 Microinjection은 이제 그만!!!
Transfection 효율 걱정도 그만!!

Figure 1. VisuFect® 100 results from various cell types. VisuFect® 100 emitted red light. Red means that VisuFect® 100 with oligonucleotides enter the cells.
- Transfer short oligonucleotides (e.g. DNA, RNA, siRNA, miRNA)
- Transfection of primary difficult-to-transfect cells, including human embryonic stem (ES) cells, human fibroblast cells
- In vivo gene delivery zygote, egg and sperm (e.g. zebrafish, xenopus, porcine etc)
- Development study
- Gene delivery study according time lap
- HTS study (high-throughput)
Protocol for Treatment of the VisuFect® 100 for Zygote
A. Prepare VisuFect® 100 stock (100pmole/ul).
B. Drop VisuFect® 100 stock (to be final conc. 1 pmole/ul)* into culture medium which contains Zygote or Sperm.
C. Mix plate gently.
D. Incubate for 12-16 hrs at CO2 incubator.
E. Wash for 3 times and change to fresh culture medium.
F. Visualize transfected cell with a confocal microscopy. (Ex.675nm / Em.694nm)
* It is necessary to optimize VisuFect® 100 concentration for customer’s experiments
Jin Young Joo, Jonghwan Lee, Hae Young Ko, et al., Microinfection free delivery of miRNA inhibitor into zygotes, Scientific Reports(2014) 4:5417


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